If you hover your mouse over an item below, you will see a description of the carving.  Click on the image to see a larger version and there will be links to either return to this page or go on to the next larger image.  The newest items are at the bottom of the page.  

March 2003 - This little item is 6 inches tall and turned from yellow cedar I had left over from a large Santa carving. Finished with tung oil, it looks and feels pretty good.

October 2003 - This bowl was turned from a large piece of Maple Tree with the bark still on it.

March 2003- Made out of cottonwood, and is about 5 inches in diameter. Jan 2004 - This is two angles of the same bowl turned from cottonwood and finished with several coats of Tung Oil. March 2005- I had a little block of yellow cedar I bought quite a while ago by mistake, It actually looks a lot better than the picture.
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March 2004 - This bowl was turned from a piece of Birch that I had purchased. Turning results are much better when one uses good wood. The knot was repaired using coffe grounds soaked in crazyglue. It was finished with Hutt Crystal Coat and followed up with one layer of ordinary floor wax. This maintained the natural color of the wood. Stands about 6 inches tall and 4.5 inches in diameter. March 2004 - Turned from Cottonwood and finished with Hutt Crystal Coat and followed up with one layer of ordinary floor wax. This maintained the natural color of the wood. Stands about 6 inches tall and 4 inches in diameter. March 2004 - Small dish turned from cottonwood. March 2004 - Same size as first vase but slightly different pattern. April 2004 - This one had a few knots in it so I repaired them using cyanoacrylate adhesive mixed with coffee grinds. Looks great and couldn't be stronger.
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June 2004 - This old block of wood made a really nice colorful vase with lots of pattern. You never know until the wood is cut how nice it will look. June 2004 - Another Ash vase. Stands about 8 inches tall. Real nice grain after it is finished. Aug 2004 - Turned from very dry Ash wood and finished with glossy laquer. Sep 2004 - This one was turned from Lodge Pole Pine I got in the Cypress Hills. This will be the only turning out of Lodge Pole Pine for a while as it is very messy and sticky to turn. The finish on this one is Tung Oil. Oct 2004 -This one is about 11 inches tall and actually was going to have a regular round spout but a small problem making the hole caused it to break but it turned out better this way. The wood was from a wood pile for burning.
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December 2004 - These three vases were supposed to be the same size but on the last one my chisel dug a little deeper than I wanted so it is a little smaller. The wood is elm and ash. The vases are about 11 inches tall, finished with Tung Oil and floor wax. January 2005 - This is the one that replaces the smaller one of the three I made in December. March 2005 - This bowl is made from walnut and maple, measures 7.5 inches in diameter and is 2.5 inches high. I've been wanting to make this type of bowl for quite some time. The preparation of the wood takes longer than the turning but it was worth it. April 2005 - My second segmented bowl is slightly different than the first one. The second one is on the left. April 2005 - This bowl is a little larger than the other similar ones. The diameter is about 8 inches and it is about 4 inches high. Turned from local grown maple and finished with turner's wax.
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June 2005 - This Maple Bowl is about the same as #20. I liked the style.  April 2006 - This bowl was hand carved with the world's smallest chain saw (Merlin) from a block of maple tree. March 2007 - This is an 8 inch bowl turned f rom a large willow log.  I had actually turned it a little larger several years before but could not get it sanded properly. I took another stab at it and likely because it had already been varnished, it sanded very well after a little re-shaping.  June 2007 - This bowl is turned from a solid piece of mahogany I got from one of my daughter's friend.  The bowl measures 9.5" in diameter and is finished with the same turning wax I used for my pens.  July 2007 - This bowl is turned from a solid piece of maple I got from one of my daughter's friend.  The bowl measures 9.5" in diameter and is finished with the same turning wax I used for my pens. I ended up with a different pattern that I will likely not repeat as I like the shape of #24 better.
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 May 5, 2008 - This mall bowl measures 4.5 inches in diameter and was turned from a piece of maple tree.  The knot was very loose so I had to repair it using liquid CA and coffee grinds.  Turned out pretty good.

August 2008 - Small bowl, about 3.5 inches tall and 4 inches diameter.  Turned from a piece of birch wood with the rim made of yellow cedar and inserted while turning.

August 2008 - This bowl was hand carved with the world's smallest chain saw (Merlin) from a block of maple tree. It is about 10 inches at the widest. Sep 2008 - 5 1/2 inches tall and turned from a plum tree. There was a bark deficiency on this which ended up giving the turning a very nice color variation and unique character indentation on the upper part of the vase. 4 1/2 inches tall. This was turned from the same piece of wood as #29.  Same bark deformation gives this item a unique character.
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March 2009 - These two segmented bowls are made from maple and walnut. They are about 5 inches in diameter and two inches high. These are actually Turn 31 and Turn 32. Sep 2009 - I saw this pattern in an on-line newletter and thought I would try it.  It should have had 3 colors but it worked out fine with two.  On this one I used maple and mahogany. It is 8" in circumferance. Oct 2009 - This bowl was turned from maple and African Rosewood for the reddish color.  It is 5.5" in circumferance. Oct 2009 - I saw this pattern in an on-line newletter and thought I would try it.  Three woods are used on the stem, they are maple, mahogany and African Rosewood.  It measures 7" tall. Oct 2009 - This bowl was turned from Oak with mahogany for the jelly bean effect.  It is 5.5" in circumferance.
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Oct 2009 - This bowl was turned from a piece of willow that came from a large tree. I got this wood from a fellow banker. Jan 2010 - This is another bowl that was turned from a piece of willow that came from a large tree. I got this wood from a fellow banker. This one measure about 8 inches in diameter. April 2010 - This ugly little bowl was turned from a piece of left over willow I got from a fellow banker.  I tried some die that is supposed to be for heritage furniture but I don't really like the result.  Luckily it was not a larger bowl. April 2010 - I made t his little toothpic holder out of a small scrap piece of Oak I had lying around.  I was inspired by an article in Wood Turning Online. October 2010 - This is another bowl that was turned from a piece of willow that came from a large tree. I got this wood from a fellow banker. This one measure about 8 inches in diameter.
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November 2010 - This is another bowl that was turned from a piece of willow that came from a large tree. I got this wood from a fellow banker. This one measure about 8 inches in diameter. Dec 2010 - This is a mahogany bowl turned from some wood I received for doing a web page. I had intended to do a bowl on a square stand but the stand broke so I improvised so as not to was the wood.  It is 5 inches in diameter and 2 inches tall. Feb 2011 - This is a bowl turned from a square piece of Zebrawood that is native to Africa.  I received the wood from a friend for whom I had designed a web page. The block is 6" x 6.75" and the whole piece is about 2" high. Feb 2011 - This is a bowl turned from a piece of Zebrawood that is native to Africa.  I received the wood from a friend for whom I had designed a web page. The bowl is about 6 inches in diameter and 2 inches high. March 2011 - This is a bowl turned from a piece of Zebrawood that is native to Africa.  I received the wood from a friend for whom I had designed a web page. The bowl is about 6 inches in diameter and 1 1/2 inches high. It started out to be a raised bowl with 4 legs but the legs broke while turning so I had to change the design.
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May 2011 -  This segmented bowl is made fro clear maple, African Rosewood and Mahogany.
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April2014 -  This little bowl measures 4 inches in circumfrance and is about 2.5 inches tall.  Turned from a piece of Monkey Pod that originated in Hawaii and only finished with turners wax.
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