December 2014 - This pen was turned fromn Purple
Heart. This is a hardwood and it is also known as amaranth,
violetwood, coracy, pauroxo, pauferro, koroboreli, saka, nazareno,
morado, and tananeo.
It is found primarily in tropical regions
of Central America and South America.
It is generally straight
grained, sometimes interlocked, with a fine even texture. Creamy
white sapwood and vibrant purple heartwood that turns to
dark-purplish brown with exposure to light.
This is very heavy,
hard, strong, and stiff with good decay resistance and stability in
service. Steam-bends moderately well.
It is sometimes difficult
to work due to hardness and a tendency to tear and split.
Pre-drilling required for screws and nails. Glues easily and
polishes well with no staining